

Astrology to study

Welcom492px-Guercino_-_Personification_of_Astrology_-_circa_1650-1655e on Astromarkt, the site for the study of astrology, horoscopes, sunsigns, matching (or not) and more. This site Astromarkt started in 2003 – in Dutch only – and is still expanding. Please select from articles about: planets, aspects, asteroids and dwarfplanets, midpoints like Sun/Moon, love and astrology, studies about historic events, getting old, accidents, Neptune in Pisces, Uranus-Pluto and more on the blog related to Astromarkt: ASTROPOST (

.That blog helps you find out what astrology really is. Follow Astropost on! Contact me for questions via Astropost. An overview of all available articles is below.

Astromarkt may have a different kind of approach than usual. Maybe you have questions about my way to see a chart? Here is some explanation of the terms and method that I use to delineate charts. And about astrology in general.

Astrology is the study of the correspondence between certain astrological positions, events and characteristics.

Decades ago I started to study astrology. First, in the early 70s, I took a course about elements, aspects, combinations of them and reading charts, based upon the method used by Dutch astrologer Ram. Then I practised what I learned on family and friends, read a lot and did some research on my own (about aging, for example). I also did some classes in The Hague. The astrologer wanted to remain anonymous and I keep it that way.

When I discovered COSI, the famous book of Reinhold Ebertin, midpoints, aspect combinations and the value of narrow orbs were introduced. I co-managed an American group (The Astrologer’s Forum) for a while and learned a lot there, too. Then I started on the internet.Noel Tyl’s Vocations inspired me so much that I decided to go to Lisbon for the workshop there:).

This all and many own studies, books and internet sites later brought me to the present eclectic method that I use. After all this I came to the conclusion that charts can’t be read without seeing the perspective: the genes, gender, age, culture and situation. If you want to know how I read a chart, see:


– Major aspect: conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. Those are the Ptolemaic aspects.

– Minor aspect: semi sextiel, semi square, half semi square, semi sesqui square (67.5), sesqui square, septile, (bi)quintile, novile (40d), binovile and inconjuncton (quincunx) or quindecile (165 d)
Minor aspects are not related to signs and their harmony/disharmony. Minor aspects are often of major importance.

Calling: without major aspects in sign or orb 5 degrees.

Crucial: placed on the corners of the cross of the chart (angular, or square the Ascendant)

Midpoint: point in between two planets
I often choose not to mention the nature of the aspect in a midpoint combination. For example: Sun/Mercury sesquisquare Mars is Sun/Mercury/Mars or Mars on Sun/Mercury for me. I see the three as one aspect combination.

Midpoint combination: a combination of a midpoint and another planet in hard aspect (0,45, 90, 135, 180 degrees) away from the combination with a maximum orb of 2 degrees)

Midpoint Yod: a planet is opposite the midpoint. Example Sun/Moon opposition Neptune. In this case Neptune is a very important focal point of motivation

Orbs: I use very tight orbs, 5 degrees max and when not in sign, I even like them tighter:). Exception: “translation of light”…

Outer planets are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
I name the first outer planet that is rising before the Sun: planet of orientation. It is the symbol of what is first of all important for you and the sort of orientation that you have.
Mercury and Venus are not planets of orientation, unless Mercury or Venus are ‘calling’ or at an angle, that is: prominent.

Translation of light: an aspect made with two planets who are out of orb, connecting both planets (in which case I use this aspect, even if out of orb or out of sign

I hope Astromarkt and Astropost help you with your study!

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